Unit 18 Class 11 English 》Immigration and Identity: Identity Crisis in Immigrants | Language Development | Neb English Support

Unit: 18 Class 11 English 》Immigration and Identity: Identity Crisis in Immigrants | Language Development | Neb English Support
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             Unit: 18 Class 11 English

Immigration and Identity: Identity Crisis in Immigrants

Exercise & Grammar | Language Development

Immigration and IdentityIdentity Crisis in Immigrants 


a. Who are immigrants? Do you think that people living in foreign countries have no identity?


Immigrants refer to non-native people who come to a country from another country in order to permanently settle there. No, I don't think that people living in foreign countries have no identity. They have their own identity, but they have felt identity crises in foreign lands for some time. They have to establish their identity with their best efforts.


A. Words from the text to solve the crossword puzzle


2. as is certain to happen 》 inevitably

4. famous and respected 》eminent

6. a temporary stay 》sojourn

7. knowing everything 》omniscient


1. the state of being preoccupied 》preoccupation

3. anxious or fearful that something bad will happen 》apprehensive

5. a person of mixed white and black ancestry 》mulatto

B. Meanings of the words in a dictionary

a. melancholy

Meaning: great sadness or depression, especially of a thoughtful or introspective nature.

b. elusive

Meaning: rarely seen

c. motif

Meaning: a decorative figure that is repeated in a design or pattern.

d. disdain

Meaning: a feeling of contempt or scorn.

e. fabricate

Meaning: to invent and form; to forge; to devise falsely.


f. intoxicate

Meaning: stupefied by alcohol, drunk.


g. resentment


anger or displeasure stemming from belief that one has been wronged or betrayed by others.

C. Do the bold words in the following sentences have the same pronunciation but different meanings?

Dear Board of Education,

I am also board of education!

Homophones are words with the same pronunciation but having different meanings and spellings. For example, board and bored, meet and meat are homophonous

D. Choose the right word to fill in the blanks.

a. Can you ......... the box in the back garden? (bury/berry)


Can you bury the box in the back garden?

b. Alex could not ........... the branch off the tree. (break/brake)


Alex could not break the branch off the tree.

c. ............ pencil is on the floor? (Who's/Whose)


Whose pencil is on the floor?

d. We have got very ........... (phew/few) tasks left.


We have got very few tasks left.

e. Some tribes worship their gods before they ............ (prey/pray)


Some tribes worship their gods before they prey.

f. .......... it. Everything is messed up.(Dam /Damn)


Damn it. Everything is messed up.

g. What a wonderful ........ the professor presented. (lesson/lessen)


What a wonderful lesson the professor presented.


Answer these questions:

a. How is Willie Chandran different from the rest of his family?


Willie Chandran is different from the rest of his family. He is insecure about himself and his own identity.

b. Who is the main character of Half A Life? How is he described?


The main character of Half a Life is Willie Chandran. He was born in India some 40 years ago. His father was a Brahmin, and his mother was a Dalit. His middle name comes from the name of an English writer called Somerset Maugham.

c. Why does Willie leave India?


Willie leaves India because he manages to get a scholarship to a second-rate college in London.

d. What is the revelation that Willie began to feel in college and in London?


Willie began to understand the rules of his own place. He realised that he was free to present himself as he wished. He could write his own revolution. He could remake himself, his past, and his ancestry.

e. Why does Willie accompany Ana?


Willie accompanies Ana because he feels so good in Ana's company. She has a wonderfully easy manner. She has accepted Willie completely.

f. What is the central issue Naipaul has raised in the novel?


The central issue Naipaul has raised in the novel is the issue of cultural and racial identity.


a. What kind of divided identity is depicted in the novel Half A Life? How do characters in the novel try to create new identities for themselves? Explain.


V. S. Naipaul's novel "Half a Life" is about a divided identity and its search. Here in this novel, we find the main protagonist, Willie Somerset Chandran, struggling in various places for his identity. This novel portrayed his divided identity and his struggles in his quest for self-knowledge. V.S. Naipaul has very skillfully manipulated the colonial plight of the protagonist, Willie Somerset Chandran, his anxiety, disorganisation, and search for his own identity from different places, such as India to England, England to Africa, and then Germany, to rediscover his own identity, yet he loses his true identity.

The protagonist, Willie Somerset Chandran, had caste issues in his family. His father belonged to a Brahmin family. He married a woman of low caste. Later, he regretted living in that disastrous union. But the caste issue with his parents made him feel upset. The protagonist moved from India to London, where, in a new colony of immigrants, he started living with a new identity. He suppressed his self-doubt through sexual adventures and struggles in a writer's attempt that brought him to the brink of exhaustion, from where he was saved only by the love of a good woman, Ana. Together, they returned to their home to live out the last ruined days of colonialism, while Willie Chandran remained a passive bystander in another life that was not his own. Here, the characters try their best to create new identities for themselves. They are seen leaving their own status and roaming different places to create their new identities and live their lives without any discrimination.

b. Discuss the similaries between the author and the protagonist in the noivel?


The similarities between the author and the protagonist in the novel are as follows:

The author's perception of isolation in the wider world and his cautious history of life and travels can be found in the life of this novel's protagonist, Willie Somerset Chandran.

By the time of Naipaul's early childhood memories, chicken and fish were eaten at the family dinner table, and Christmas was celebrated with dinner, which is associated with the protagonist's middle name, Willie Somerset Chandran.

The author later considered that the scholarship would have allowed him to study any subject at any institution in the higher Commonwealth, and, likewise, the protagonist in the novel also gets the chance to learn in Britain through a scholarship for higher studies.

Earlier in 1952, in a college play, Naipaul got a chance to meet history student Patricia Ann Hale. Hale and Naipaul form a close friendship, which eventually develops into a sexual relationship. With Hale's support, Naipaul began to recover and slowly began to write. In the same way, the protagonist meets a girl, as well as a good reader of his books, who loves him dearly and later marries him.



A. Study the general format of a book review and film review.

A book review is a scholarly review in which a book is analyzed in terms of its content, style, and merit. Similarly, a film review is a review that provides a short description of a film including the reviewer’s opinion about it. A scholarly review should use formal language. The format of a book and film review is presented below.

Book review

▪︎  Introduction (title, author, place of publication: publisher, date of publication, number of pages, type of book-fiction, nonfiction etc)

▪︎  Author's background (who the author is and where s/he stands in the genre or field of inquiry adding his/her contribution in literature)

▪︎  Summary and plot

▪︎  Theme and writing style 

▪︎  Writer's impression and evaluation of it/critique's opinion

Film review

▪︎  Introduction (with title, release date, background information, genre, starring)

▪︎  Summary of the story

▪︎  Analysis of the plot elements (rising action/ climax)

▪︎  Creative elements (dialogues, characters, use of colors, camera techniques, mood, tone, symbols, costumes or anything that contributes or takes away from the overall plot)

▪︎  Opinion (supported with examples and facts from the story)

▪︎  Critique's opinion/Conclusion (announcing whether the filmmaker was successful in his/her purpose, re-statement of the evidence, explanation of how the motion picture was helpful for providing a deeper understand of course

B. Write a review of a book/film you have recently read or watched.


                      Ras Bhari

Genre: Social

Producer and Director: Ajay Singh

Type of Film: Fiction

Star Cast:

Jeevan: Munna

Shital: Rekha


The film "Ras Bhari" which was released last Friday, is considered to be the funniest film. It was produced and directed by Ajay Singh, a famous director. There is unlimited laughter from the beginning to the end of the film. Most of the viewers become fans of actor Jeevan. He has played a great comedy role. Along with his acting, the dialogue delivery is also superb. The film is based on two lovers who struggle a lot to settle their relationship. They both try their best to convince their relatives until the climax. The final scene is presented in a very funny way. Both win in the end and get married.

So far, this film has done good business. The box office has even claimed that the film has done decent business in the history of comic filmmaking. Everyone is quite satisfied with this film. It is very difficult to get tickets for this film these days, too. According to the ticket seller in the cinema hall, whoever comes to see the film only asks for the ticket for this film. The box office has claimed that the film still has a chance to run successfully for three months. The producer of this film is quite satisfied with the collection. In his interview, he says that he wants to make a sequel to this film in the near future.

Book Review:


Genre: Social

Author: Dr. Ramesh Khadka

Published date: 2078-2-5

Type of Novel: Fiction

Pages: 342

The most popular novel 'Jeevan' was published last Thursday. This novel is written by Dr. Ramesh Khadka. It is about the ups and downs of human life. The story of the novel is connected with the life story of the author himself. He has presented the most traumatic experience of his childhood and his struggle to mature. This book has broken the previous record for sales. Among all the novels, this one has been successful in getting the award for best seller. This novel and its content are considered to be the best. According to the author, this novel tells about the pain and suffering of each person in Nepal. Most Nepalese people are backward in terms of getting opportunities due to poverty. The writing skills of the author have been appreciated by most of the young generations of Nepal.  According to the readers, the author has excellent skills in writing novels. They say that the author has presented his writing in a very interesting and new way. They have become fans of Dr. Ramesh Khadka.


Reported speech (statements)

Study the following.

Direct Speech & Indirect Speech

Direct: 'I love the Toy Story films', she said. 

Indirect: She said she loved the Toy Story films.

Direct: 'I worked as a waiter before becoming a chef', he said.

Indirect: He said he'd worked as a waiter before becoming a chef.

Direct: 'I'll phone you tomorrow', he said.

Indirect: He said he'd phone me the next day.

Direct: She asked, "What do you want?"

Indirect: She asked (me) what I wanted.

Direct: He said to me, "Do you live near here?" 

Indirect: He asked me if/whether I lived near there.

Direct: "Don't be late", I said to Joe.

Indirect: I told Joe not to be late.

Direct: She said, "Don't the children like ice-cream?"

Indirect: She was surprised that the children didn't like ice-cream.

In indirect speech, we often use a tense which is 'further back' in the past (e.g. worked) than the tense originally used (e.g. work). This is called 'backshift'. We may also need to change other words that were used, for example pronouns. 

Change the following into indirect speech.

a. She said, "While I was having dinner, the phone rang".

Indirect: She said that while she was having dinner, the phone rang.

(In case of Past progressive, we don't change the tense)

b. My friend said, "Where are they staying?"

Indirect: My friend asked where they were staying. 

c. Jamila said, "I travel a lot in my job".

Indirect: Jamila said that she traveled a lot in her job.

d. She said to me, "We lived in China for five years".

Indirect: She told me that they had lived in China for five years. 

e. He said to me, "Do you like ice-cream?"

Indirect: He asked me if I liked ice-cream. 

f. They said, "Hurray! We've won the match".

Indirect: They exclaimed with joy that they had won the match. 

g. He said, "I'd tried everything without success, but this new medicine is great".

Indirect: He said that he had tried everything without success, but that medicine was great. 

h. Sony said, "I go to the gym next to your house".

Indirect: Sony said that she went to the gym next to my house. 

i. He said, "Be quiet after 10 o'clock".

 Indirect: He told me to be quiet after 10 o'clock. 

j. He said, "I don't want to go to the party unless he invites me".

Indirect: He said that he didn't want to go to the party unless he invited him. 

h. He said to me, "I will see you tomorrow if you meet me".

Indirect: He told me that he would see me the following day if I met him. 

i. She said, "If I were you, I would give up the work".

Indirect: She said that if she were me, she would give up the work.

(For imaginary conditions, we don't change the tense)







Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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