Active Vs Passive Voice | Grammar Unit 19 | Neb Compulsory English Class 11 by Suraj Bhatt Neb English Support



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Active Vs Passive Voice | Grammar Unit 19 | Neb Compulsory English Class 11 by Suraj Bhatt Neb English Support

Active Vs Passive Voice

Active Voice

The action which is done by the subject is called the active voice.


A hunter killed a tiger.

Passive Voice 

The action which is done by an object is called the passive voice.


A tiger was killed by a hunter.

How to change from active into passive voice.


Active & Passive Voice Rule no. 1:

The object of the active voice becomes the subject of the passive voice. The main verbs of active voice are changed into past participle (v3). The subject of the active voice changes into an object in the passive voice in front of which we use 'by'.


Active: Jack is supporting her.

Passive: She is being supported by Jack.

Active: Jacob drank a Fanta.

Passive: A Fanta was drunk by Jacob.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No. 2:

The vague or unknown doer like people, someone, somebody, nobody, we, you, they, etc. is not mentioned in the passive.


Active: People cut down trees all over the world.

Passive: Trees are cut down all over the world.

Active: Someone has stolen my money bag.

Passive: My money bag has been stolen.

Active: They have invited us in the party.

Passive: We have been invited in the party.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No. 3:

Tense wise change

a. Simple Present Tense

Active: Subject + v1/v5 + object.

Passive: Object + is/am/are + v3 + by + subject.


Active: Harry buys a new dress.

Passive: A new dress is bought by Harry.

b. Present Continuous Tense

Active: Subject + is/am/are + v4 + object.

Passive: Object + is/am/are + being + v3 + by + subject.


Active: Sasy is helping me.

Passive: I am being helped by Sasy.

c. Present Perfect Tense

Active: Subject + have/has + v3 + object.

Passive: Object + have/has + been + V3 + by + subject.


Active: Michael has bought some books.

Passive: Some books have been bought by Michael.

d. Simple Past Tense

Active: Subject + v2 + object.

Passive: Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject.


Active: Alfred played lawn tennis.

Passive: Lawn tennis was played by Alfred.

e. Past Continuous Tense 

Active: Subject + was/were + v4 + object.

Passive: Object + was/were + being + v3 + by + subject.


Active: She was feeding the child.

Passive: The child was being fed by her.

f. Past Perfect Tense

Active: Subject + had + v3 + object.

Passive: Object + had + been + v3 + by + subject.


Active: A carpenter had mended that old chair.

Passive: That old chair had been mended by a carpenter.

g. Simple Future Tense 

Active: Subject + shall/will + v1 + object.

Passive: Object + shall/will + be + v3 + by + subject.


Active: I shall provide you an allowance.

Passive: You will be provided an allowance by me.

h. Future Perfect Tense

Active: Subject +shall/will + have + v3 + object.

Passive: Object + shall/will + have been + v3 + by + subject.


Active: She will have called them.

Passive: They will have been called by her.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No. 4:

If there is a modal auxiliary verb (will, shall, would, should, may, might, must, ought to, used to, can, could) + v1, we have to change into a passive modal auxiliary verb + be + v3.


Active: Freddy can speak English.

Passive: English can be spoken by Freddy.

Active: Seema must respect me.

Passive: I must be respected by Seema.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No. 5:

If there is must, might, should, would, could + have + v3, we have to change into must, might, should, would, could + have + been + v3 into passive voice.


Active: Bobby could have helped me.

Passive: I could have been helped by Bobby.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No. 6:

If there is have/has/had + to + v1, we have to change into have/has/had + to + be + v3 in the passive voice.


Active: She has to help us.

Passive: We have to be helped by her.

Active & Passive Rule No.7:

Active Structure: Do/Does + subject + v1 + obj?

Passive: Is/am/are + object + v3 + by + subject?

Active Structure: Did + subject + v1 + object?

Passive: Was/were + object + v3 + by + subject?


Active: Does Jack help him?

Passive: Is he helped by Jack?

Active: Did she help them?

Passive: Were they helped by her?

Additional examples of Yes/No Questions:

Active: Can you cut that tree?

Passive: Can that tree be cut by you?

Active: Has she brought mangoes?

Passive: Have mangoes been brought by her?

Active: Are they playing hockey?

Passive: Is hockey being played?

Active & Passive Voice Rule No. 8:

If the active voice is in wh-question, the wh-word is not changed in the passive voice too. But 'who' changes into 'By whom'.


Active: What did the manager tell you?

Passive: What were you told by the manager?

Active: Why do you scold him?

Passive: Why is he scolded (by you)?

Active: What are they telling her?

Passive: What is she being told?

Active: Who opened that locked door?

Passive: By whom was that locked door opened?

Active & Passive Voice Rule No. 9:

If the active voice is negative, the passive voice also should be negative.


Active: Didn't he help you?

Passive: Weren't you helped by him?

Active: He doesn't speak English.

Passive: English is not spoken by him.

Active: He didn't buy anything.

Passive: Nothing was bought by him.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No.10:

If there is "that clause" in active voice, we have to change in the passive: It is (in present) / was (in past) + be + that clause.


Active: People hope that there will be some changes.

Passive: It is hoped that there will be some changes.

Active: We thought that she was a teacher.

Passive: It was thought that she was a teacher.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No.11:

If there is any word before the subject in active voice, we generally write that word at the same place in the passive too.

Active: Suddenly, I saw a tiger.

Passive: Suddenly, a tiger was seen by me.

Active Structure: Please +......................

Passive: You are requested to +...............


Active: Please sit down.

Passive: You are requested to sit down.

Active: Please come here.

Passive: You are requested to come here.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No.12:

If the imperative sentence gives a sense of duty, we change in the passive Object / Subject + should be + V3 +...........


Active: Respect your parents.

Passive: Your parents should be respected.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No.13:

Active Structure: v1 + obj.

Passive: Let + object + be + v3

Active Structure: Don't + v1 + object.

Passive: Let + object + not + be + V3.

Active Structure: Let me/him/us/her + v1 + object.

Passive: Let + object + be + v3 + by me/him/us/her.


Active: Open the door.

Passive: Let the door be opened.

Active: Help me.

Passive: Let me be helped.

Active: Don't open the door.

Passive: Let the door not be opened.

Active: Let me tell her sorry.

Passive: Let her be told sorry by me.

Active & Passive Voice Rule No.14:

If the active structure is: Subject + is/am/are/ + going to + v1 + object.

Passive: Object + is/am/are + going to be + v3 + by + subject.


Active: She is going to buy a red car.

Passive: A red car is going to be bought by her.

Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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