Will and Be Going to Difference | Grammar Unit 5 | Neb Compulsory English Class 11 by Suraj Bhatt Neb English Support

Will and Be Going to Difference | Grammar Unit 5 | Neb Compulsory English Class 11 by Suraj Bhatt Neb English Support
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Will and Be Going to Difference | Grammar Unit 5 | Neb Compulsory English Class 11 by Suraj Bhatt Neb English Support

Will  and Be Going To Difference

Will and Be Going To: English Grammar Lesson

Generally, Both "Will" and "Going to" are used to talk about the future.


I will pay you tomorrow. (Here 'tomorrow' is in the future)

I think he going to meet me later. (Here 'later' is a non-specific time in the future)

They will visit me next week. ( Here 'next week' is a time in the future)

We’re going to get married next year. ( Here, 'next year' is a time in the future)

But, Here a question arises: What is the difference between "Will" and "Going to"?

At what time do we use "Will" or "Going to"?

Both terms are mainly used for making Future Predictions.

Both terms "Will" and "Going to" can be used mostly for making predictions without having a proper difference in meaning. 
These terms can be used at the time when we think or expect something to happen in the future.


I think it will be sunny tomorrow.

I think it’s going to be sunny tomorrow.

Both of these sentences are making predictions about the weather of tomorrow.
Here, there is no guarantee about the weather for tomorrow, we are just predicting tomorrow's weather. 

Additional Examples:

I’m sure you will meet her one day.

I’m sure you’re going to meet her one day.

So, here, both terms "Will" and "Going to" can be used for predictions that happen in the future. 

But, there are a lot of other situations or usages where we can use one more than the other. Let’s look at these other uses of "Will" and "Going to" now.

Usages of "Will"

Following are the usages of "Will" in English Grammar:
We generally use "Will" in the situations below:

For making "Instant Decisions"

We make instant decisions about the immediate future. We more or less decide at the same time when the words are spoken.


I’m thirsty. I think I’ll buy a chilled Fanta. (Here, I just thought of it now)

I’ll ask Simon if he knows where my notebooks are. (Here, I just decided to ask him)

I think we’ll move from here right now. (Here, I just decided to move from the place this right now)

For making "Offers"

We can use "Will" when we are offering someone to do something for them in the future.


You look exhausted. I’ll cook supper tonight.

I’ll drive you to the station tomorrow if you like.

We’ll support you with anything you need.

I’ll provide you with a discount if you buy it right now.

That looks so heavy. I’ll help you if you like.

For making "Promises"

We can make use of "Will" when we make promises to do something for someone in the future.


I promise I will pay you in instalments every day.

I’ll come and see you the next week. 

Don’t worry, we’ll make sure that nothing happens to you.

I’ll buy you a new bike of 250 CC when I get paid.

For making "Threats"

We can use "Will" when we are making a threatening statement to someone that something will happen to them in the future. 


If you don’t stop following me, I will tell your mother. (Here, You are threatening to tell her)

You’ll pay me for this!

You will get fired if you don’t finish the job this evening.

For Habits: Predictable Behaviour

We can use "Will" for a habit that is predictable behaviour.


My younger daughter will fall asleep whenever we travel anywhere by bus. (Here, this is predictable, you know it is going to happen)

He will give up if he starts losing the game. He always does that after losing (Here, it is a habit of his to do this)

For making Refusals

We can use "Won't" when someone or something refuses to do something. Someone says that they won't do something or if something doesn’t work.


I don’t mind what you say, I won’t do it! (Here, I refuse to do it!)

They won’t help me clean my new room. (Here, no, they are not going to help)

Simran won’t listen to anything I say. (Here, it is something she doesn’t want to do.)

My bike won’t start. (Here, it won’t work)

Usages of "Going to"

"Going to" is generally used to indicate the future but with some type of connection to the present. We can use it in the following situations:

For making Prior Plans

We can use "Going to" when we have already decided or planned to do something in the future. It is the decision that was made before the moment of speaking.


We’re going to get married next year. (Here, we have planned this)

I’m going to accept the job offer of Salesman. (Here, I decided this before telling you)

She’s going to inform him when he arrives. (Here, that is what she has decided to do)

We’re going to start a new business in the market together.  (Here, that is our plan)

For Evidence and Signs

We can use "Going to" when there is evidence (or signs) that something is going to happen. Something is likely to happen is based on the evidence or experience that we have.


I think it’s going to rain – I just felt some drops on my body.

I don’t feel physically well. I think I’m going to vomit.

Jack hasn’t studied. He’s going to fail his exam.

For the Things "About to Happen"

We can use "Going to" when something is about to happen (at any moment now).


Watch out! It’s going to rain on you!

Run! I think it’s going to explode now.

Look! Hooligans are going to attack this place.

Comparison of "Will" vs. "Going To"

Let’s compare "Will" and "Going to" together.

If someone asks you:

“What are you going to do today?”

(The questioner uses "Going to" because he/she probably assumes that you have plans)

You can say:

“I’m going to watch a movie today.”

Here, you use "Going to" because it is a plan that you made earlier (before you were asked the question). You already know which movie you're going to watch. In this particular case, we cannot use "Will".

But, if you haven’t made any plans for today, you could say:

“I will probably meet my friends.” OR

“I’m probably going to watch a movie.”

We can use either "Will" or "Going to" in our responses because we're predicting what will probably happen (since we haven’t made any plans).

Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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