Compulsory English Model Question Paper Class 11 Board 2078 | Neb English Support New Course by Suraj Bhatt

Compulsory English Model Question Paper Class 11 Board 2078 | Neb English Support New Course by Suraj Bhatt
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Compulsory English Model Question Paper Class 11 Board 2078 Solution | Neb English Support New Course by Suraj Bhatt

Compulsory English Model Question Paper



FM: 75         

PM:  30                                                                      


Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt ALL the Questions.

1. Read the text and do the tasks. 15

Mt Everest grows by nearly a metre to a new height

The world’s highest mountain Mount Everest is 0.86m higher than had been previously officially calculated, Nepal and China have jointly announced. Until now the countries differed over whether to add the snow cap on top. The new height is 8,848.86m (29,032 ft). China’s previous official measurement of 8,844.43m had put the mountain nearly four metres lower than Nepal’s. Everest Officials at Nepal’s foreign ministry and department of the survey said surveyors from both countries had coordinated to agree on the new height. The agreement to jointly announce the new measurement of the Earth’s highest point was made during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu last year. Chinese authorities had said previously Mount Everest should be measured to its rock height, while Nepalese authorities argued the snow on top of the summit should be included.

The Chinese surveyors had calculated their figure after they measured the mountain in 2005. Nepal’s government officials told the BBC in 2012 that they were under pressure from China to accept the Chinese height and therefore they had decided to go for a fresh measurement to “set the record straight once and for all”. The 8,848m height, Nepal had been using for Mount Everest was determined by the Survey of India in 1954, but for the first time, the country has now conducted its own measurement of the summit. Four Nepalese land surveyors spent two years training for the mission, before heading to the summit. “Before this, we had never done the measurement ourselves,” Damodar Dhakal, a spokesman at Nepal’s department of the survey, told the BBC. “Now that we have a young, technical team [who could also go to the Everest summit], we could do it on our own,” Mr. Dhakal said. Nepal’s lead surveyor Khimlal Gautam lost his toe due to frostbite while on the summit to install height-measuring equipment last year. “For summiteers, scaling the highest peak means a great accomplishment.

For us, it was just the beginning,” Mr. Gautam had told BBC Nepali after his return. “Unlike other surveys of the Everest in the past, we chose 03:00 to minimise errors that could have been caused because of sunlight in the daytime.” Some geologists have suggested a major earthquake in 2015 may have had an impact on Mount Everest’s height. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed nearly 9,000 people in Nepal, and caused an avalanche which buried parts of the base camp at the mountain. At least 18 20 climbers were killed. Some geologists said the earthquake may have caused Everest’s snow cap to shrink. Scientists had found that some other Himalayan peaks such as Langtang Himal, mostly to the north of Kathmandu and close to the epicentre, had reduced in height by approximately a metre after the earthquake. Others have argued that Mount Everest, like other Himalayan peaks, may have actually grown over time because of the shifting tectonic plates it sits on. But experts say major earthquakes can result in that process being reversed. “The 2015 earthquake is also a major reason why we re-measured the mountain,” said Mr. Dhakal.

A. Choose the best answer. (5 X 1= 5)

a. The word ‘announce’ in the 7th line means:

i. utter words to convey information.

ii. make a formal statement about a fact.

iii. communicate information to someone.


ii. make a formal statement about a fact.

b. The word ‘fresh’ in the phrase ‘fresh measurement’ in the second paragraph means:

i. having its original qualities unimpaired.

ii. not frozen, tinned or otherwise preserved.

iii. not previously done, new or different.


iii. not previously done, new or different.

c. The word ‘accomplishment’ in the 22nd line means:

i. the omission of expected action.

ii. an act or instance of falling.

iii. something that has been achieved successfully.


iii. something that has been achieved successfully.

d. The word ‘shrink’ in the 29th line is opposite in meaning to:

i. expand.

ii. contract.

iii. reduce.


i. expand.

e. The word ‘approximately’ in line 30 line means:

i. exactly.

ii. nearly.

iii. precisely.


ii. nearly.


B. Complete the following sentences in NOT MORE THAN FOUR WORDS. (5 × 1= 5)

a. Nepal and China previously had different views about adding the …………………… to the height of Mt. Everest.


snow cap

b. Surveyors from both Nepal and China had worked together to come up with the same view on the ………new height…………… of Mt. Everest. 


new height

c. China’s earlier official measurement of 8844.43m was based on the measurement done in …..............



d. The team leader of Nepal’s surveyors lost his toe during the instalment of…height measuring equipment…………… on the top.


height measuring equipment 

e. Some geologists also had their view that the change in …………………… under Mt. Everest may have increased its height.


tectonic plates 

C. Answer the following questions. (5×1=5)

a. What did the surveyors from both Nepal and China agree on to come up with about Mt. Everest?


The surveyors from both Nepal and China agreed to come up with a new height for Mt. Everest. 

b. Why did both countries determine to carry out the new measurement of Mt. Everest?


Both countries were determined to carry out the new measurement of Mt. Everest because there was an agreement between Nepal and China during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the Nepalese capital city, Kathmandu.

c. Which sentence in the text indicates that it was the first time for Nepal to measure the height of Mt. Everest?


The sentence in the text, "But for the first time, the country has now conducted its own measurement of the summit,” indicates that it was the first time for Nepal to measure the height of Mt. Everest.

d. Why did the Nepali team take 3:00 as a reference in measuring the summit?


The Nepali team took 03:00 as a reference in measuring the summit because they wanted to minimise the errors that could have been caused because of the sunlight in the daytime.

e. What covered the parts of the base camp at the mountains during the 2015 earthquake?


During the 2015 earthquake, an avalanche covered parts of the base camp on the mountain.

2. Write short answers to the following questions. (5 × 2 =10) 

a. Why is the speaker saying that ‘the children are the most beautiful flowers of all’?  (The Selfish Giant)


The speaker is saying that ‘the children are the most beautiful flowers of all’ because he finds the children quite innocent, selfless, pure, and natural.

b. What were the circumstances that led to Aksionov’s imprisonment? (God Sees the Truth but Waits)


On the way to his business trip to the Nizhny fair, Aksionov gets arrested in charge of murdering and robbing another Ryazan merchant, with whom he had stayed in the same inn. The merchant was found dead with his throat cut, and his money was also missing. These were the circumstances that led to Aksionov's imprisonment.

c. What is the speaker’s attitude toward war? (The Gift in War Time)


The speaker's attitude towards war is quite negative. She has experienced the terrible war between America and Vietnam. She has lost the most lovable person of her life due to that particular war. Due to his absence, she has been experiencing a pitiable, lonely life. She has presented various negative aspects of the war in her poem.

d. What do you think is the main idea of the essay ‘What is Poverty?’? Is the main idea of the essay explicit or implicit? (What is Poverty)


I think the main idea of the essay 'What is Poverty' is to show the reality of living a poor life in poverty. The essay has presented the fact of how shameful, humiliating, and disgusting it is to be poor. The speaker wants to draw the readers’ attention to the pathetic state of the poor. She wants her readers to know about poverty without showing pity for her. Yes, the main idea of the essay is explicit here because it is crystal clear that poverty is devastating for poor people. She has clearly presented her examples to prove it.

e. Why are Don Gonzalo and Laura annoyed with each other? (A Sunny Morning)


Don Gonzalo and Laura are annoyed with each other because of their rude behaviours and remarks towards each other. Don Gonzalo's rude behaviour makes Laura feel annoyed. He scares the birds that Laura is feeding. Similarly, Gonzalo is annoyed by Laura's acts of occupying the public bench in the park as well as her impolite remarks.

3. Write long answers to the following questions. (2 × 5 =10)

a. Jobs contends that you need to love what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why? (How to Live Before You Die)


Yes, I agree with his opinions because our love for our work can lead us towards success. To be great at our work, it's very important for all of us to love the work we do. If we are unable to love our work, we won't succeed in it. In that situation, our work will be meaningless to us.

As we all know, the lives of humans are packed with numerous uncertainties and mysteries. People keep on planning to achieve further success, but no one can guarantee success. There is always something missing. The most important lesson for all of us is that success and failure are both parts of our lives. We should always love our failures as well as our successes. In other words, we must learn lessons from our past failures and mistakes to move forward in our lives. In the case of Steve Jobs, he failed many times and even wasted his time uselessly without anyone's support and encouragement. But he became successful in the end because of his passion as well as his love for his work. This instance proves that we should not be worried about our failures in our lives because one day all our important experiences will teach us great lessons to do something great in our lives.

b. Write the summary of the poem ‘All the World’s a Stage’. (All the World’s a Stage)


This poem, "All the world's a stage," is a realistic poem that has been composed by the renowned English poet William Shakespeare. The main theme of this poem is that man is the ultimate loser in the game of life. According to Shakespeare, the world is a stage, and everyone is a player. He says that every man has seven stages during his lifetime. He performs seven different roles in his lifetime and finally exits this worldly stage. The first stage of a man's life is childhood. He plays in the arms of his mother. He often vomits and cries at this stage. In his second stage, the man is an unwilling school-going student. He becomes a lover in his third stage. He is very busy composing ballads for his beloved and yearns for her attention. In the fourth stage, he is aggressive and ambitious. He seeks a reputation in all that he does. He is ready to guard his country and becomes a soldier. In his fifth stage, he becomes a fair judge with maturity and wisdom. In the sixth stage, he is seen with loose pantaloons and spectacles. His manly voice changes into a childish treble. The last stage of all is his second childhood. Slowly, he loses his faculties of sight, hearing, smell, and taste and exits from the roles of his life. Thus, Shakespeare has presented pictures of the seven stages of a man’s life in the poem ‘All the World’s a Stage.'

4. The following bar graph shows the total cases of COVID-19 infection in Nepal from 2020-01-01 to 2021-01-20. Write an interpretation of it in about 150 words. (7)

Compulsory English Model Question Paper Class 11 Board 2078 | Neb English Support New Course by Suraj Bhatt


The above-presented bar graph shows the total cases of COVID-19 infection in Nepal from 2020-01-01 to 2021-01-20. This bar graph presents the total report of COVID-19-infectious males and females of different age groups in the year 2020. Within the year 2020, the number of COVID-19-infected people started at 5000 and kept on growing in a high ratio. In 2020, record-breaking cases of COVID-19 were seen once or twice. The number of infected people gradually increased to more than 70,000, and later the number slowly decreased. In terms of being infected, the age groups of 21 to 30 and 31 to 40 got much more infected. The old age group of 80+ got less infected in comparison to other age groups. In 2020, according to the bar graph, more males got infected with COVID-19 in comparison to the number of females. Even in the first month of 2021, males got more infected than females.

5. Suppose you are the coordinator of the organizing committee for the ‘Sports Week’ at your school. Write an email inviting the other members of the committee for its first meeting. 8


From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: An Invitation to All the Committee Members to the First Meeting of Organising Sports Week at Our School



All the committee members,

I'm feeling so glad to know about our members' queries and growing interest regarding our Sports Week event. I would like to thank you all for your messages. Today, I'm sending you this email, especially to inform all of you about our first meeting regarding our sports week event.

As the coordinator of this event, I have decided to call our first meeting this Friday at 4 PM. All of you are requested to attend this first important meeting to take part in our planning discussion of our sports week event at our school. We have even invited our SMC chairperson to our first meeting to put forward his important opinions regarding this event. All of you are kindly requested to show your presence along with your committee's membership cards.



XYZ Coordinator

XYZ School

6. Is the use of smartphones useful for the students of secondary level? Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of smartphones in about 300 words. 10


Essay on “Advantages and Disadvantages of Smartphones”

Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone. These smartphones are manufactured in large quantities and by different brands in different countries. In the present time, we can get different types of smartphones with attractive features. Smartphones are easily available on the market at affordable prices. Due to this, everyone has been encouraged to buy smartphones.

Smartphones are one of the greatest and most useful inventions in the modern world. In the past, people had to depend on mail that took a long time to be delivered. Later, the inventions of landlines and computers eased the connection with people in different parts of the world. At present, smartphones help people stay in touch with others in different corners of the world at any time because they are portable and wireless.

In the matter of features, smartphones these days come equipped with a variety of new features and functions. There are varieties of apps like games, radio, cameras, music players, audio and video recorders, multimedia messaging services, document readers, facilities for streaming and watching videos, video calling, and many more. Due to all these features, people around the world prefer to carry smartphones.

In terms of usage, youths and teenagers in the world are using smartphones at a high ratio. Schoolgoers are also carrying smartphones nowadays. The use of smartphones by students has both advantages and disadvantages. In secondary schools and colleges, we find many students using smartphones. Using smartphones by students has both advantages and disadvantages.

The following are the advantages of using smartphones for students:.

1. Students can easily get a variety of ideas regarding their education through smartphones.

2. They can easily be in contact with anyone worldwide.

3. Smartphones help students broaden their minds.

4. Smartphones provide them with mental refreshment.

5. Students can prepare themselves for their exams with the help of an internet connection on their smartphones.

6. They can secure good results in any field if they use smartphones in the right way.

Disadvantages of using smartphones by the students.

1. Students fully engage themselves in using smartphones, forgetting their studies.

2. Smartphones have made students so weak in both physical and mental health.

3. Most teenagers are habitually using smartphones and learning bad habits from them.

4. Smartphones have created mental tension for students' parents.

5. Due to the use of smartphones, students are moving on the wrong tracks, just against societal rules and regulations.

Thus, smartphones have both good and bad aspects. It depends on the user's mentality and how he or she is using it. Students have to make the right use of their minds and always try to use smartphones in the right way.

7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. (10×1=10)

a. The good boy behaved well. (Underline the adverb in the sentence)


The good boy behaved well.

b. Many of the houses in this neighbourhood (don’t/doesn’t) have garages. (Choose one form from the bracket to complete the sentence)


Many of the houses in this neighbourhood don’t have garages. 

c. We insist …………. punctuality in this office. (Put the correct preposition in the blank)


We insist on punctuality in this office.

d. It …………. be Anton’s car. I saw him driving the car yesterday. (Put the correct modal in the blank to complete the sentence)



e. She …………. (write) three books and she is working on another one. (Put the verb from the bracket in the correct tense to make a meaningful sentence)


has written 

f. I need to stop (doing/to do) my homework late at night. I keep making terrible mistakes. (Choose one form from the bracket to complete the sentence)


I need to stop doing my homework late at night. I keep making terrible mistakes.

g. The minister stood still …………. the request to take her seat. (Put the correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence)


The minister stood still in spite of/despite the request to take her seat.

h. Marie Curie is the woman. She discovered radium. (Join the sentences with a relative pronoun)


Marie Curie is the woman who discovered radium.

i. She said, “Would you like me to help you?” (Use the reporting verb offer to change the sentence into indirect speech)


She offered to help me. 

j. I hate people laughing at me. (Change into passive)


I hate being laughed at. 

8. Do as instructed. ( 5 × 1= 5)

a. The art of producing beautiful writing with a special pen or brush is called calligraphy. What word class does the underlined word in the sentence belong to?


The underlined word ‘special’ in the sentence belongs to adjective. 

b. Arrange the following words as per the order in a dictionary: 

chanting, chopper, chirruping, chivalry, chancellor


chancellor, chanting, chirruping, chivalry, chopper, 

c. What does the sentence ‘He burnt his fingers by interfering in his neighbour’s affair.‘ mean?

i. He got himself into trouble.

ii. He burnt himself?

iii. He got himself insulted.

iv. He got rebuked.


i. He got himself into trouble.

d. What does the prefix ‘under-‘ in the word UNDERESTIMATE mean?

i. below

ii. in

iii. around

iv. above


i. below

e. Which of the following sentences is correct?

i. Kelsey said I want to go to Aunt Joy’s for Thanksgiving.

ii. Kelsey said, “i want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving.”

iii. Kelsey said, “I want to go to Aunt Joy’s for Thanksgiving.”

iv. Kelsey said “I want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving.”     


Kelsey said “I want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving.”


                         The End!


Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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