Unit 10 Class 11 English 》Home Life and Family Relationship | The Tattered Blanket | Language Development

Unit 10 Home Life and Family Relationship | The Tattered Blanket | Language Development Class 11 | Compulsory English by Suraj Bhatt
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              Unit: 10 》Class 11 English 

    Home Life and Family Relationship Note

                  The Tattered Blanket 

Exercise & Grammar | Language Development

Home Life and Family Relationship: The Tattered Blanket


a. What is happening in the first picture? What does it indicate?


In the first picture, there is a miserable, old-aged mother. It indicates that she is helpless due to her lonely life.

b. What do you think is the elderly woman in the second picture doing? Does she look happy? Why/why not?


In the second picture, a woman is carrying firewood on her back and a baby on her chest. No, she doesn't look happy because she is a poor woman and she has to do hard work for her daily survival.


A. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate words.

[irritation, huddled up, awkwardly, futile, grating, mumbling, feebly]

a. All my efforts to convince her for the tour were .............


All my efforts to convince her for the tour were futile.

b. The lost traveller ........... under a shelter made of branches and leaves.


The lost traveller huddled up under a shelter made of branches and leaves.

c. Her rude behaviour was the main cause of ........... for him.


Her rude behaviour was the main cause of irritation for him.

d. She moved ....... in the room, thinking that I was watching.


She moved awkwardly in the room, thinking that I was watching.

e. She is ............... something, but l can't hear her.


She is mumbling something, but I can't hear her.

f. When I met my sister aftera long time, she talked to me in a .............. voice.


When I met my sister after a long time, she talked to me in a feeble voice.

B. Tick (✔) the correct words that are similar in meaning to the underlined words.

a. Rupa studied Science reluctantly due to her father's pressure.

i. eagerly i. unwillingly ii. willingly iv. enthusiastically

Answer: unwillingly

b. She moved her fingers exasperatedly through her hair.

i. pleasingly ii. calmingly ii. patiently iv. annoyingly

Answer: annoyingly

c. My grandmother is over eighty. She lifted her hands feebly.

i. strongly ii. robustly ii. weakly iv. firmly

Answer: weakly

d. She is wearing a tattered shawl.

i. old ii. torn ii. dirty iv. branded

Answer: torn

e. I have to work at two jobs to make ends meet in this expensive city.

i. earn much money ii. spend much money ii. live on money iv. earn just enough money

Answer: earn just enough money



D. Syllable

c. Consult an English dictionary and find the number of syllables in the following words.

1. bury


2 syllables

Division of Syllables: bur-y

2. development


4 syllables

Division of Syllables: de-vel-op-ment

3. syllabic


3 syllables

Division of Syllables: syl-lab-ic

4. vowel


2 syllables

Division of Syllables: vow-el

5. education


4 syllables

Division of Syllables: ed-u-ca-tion

6. discipline


3 syllables

Division of Syllables: dis-ci-pline

7. examination


5 syllables

Division of Syllables: ex-am-i-na-tion

8. children


2 syllables

Division of Syllables: chil-dren

9. separately


4 syllables

Division of Syllables: sep-a-rate-ly

10. pronunciation


5 syllables

Division of Syllables: pro-nun-ci-a-tion


Answer the following questions:

a. Why didn't the mother recognise her son Gopi?


The mother didn't recognise her son Gopi because of her old age's absent-mindedness. She was eighty-three years old, and she lost her memory sometimes.

b. Why is the sister living with her mother?


The sister is living with her mother to care for her. She is a widow, and there is no one at home to care for her mother except her.

c. What is the sister's attitude towards her brother?


The sister's attitude towards her brother isn't good at all. She is critical of her brother's behaviour.

d. Does the son love his mother very much? How do you know that?


No, the son doesn't love his mother very much. I know that after reading this story. The son lives away from his mother, along with his wife and four children. He doesn't even remember to write to his mother. He has arrived in his village for his property's share but not for his mother's love.

e. What does the mother actually need: a blanket or the warmth of her son's love?


The mother actually needs the warmth of her son's love. She has lacked her son's love in her life.

f. What does the phrase 'the tattered blanket' mean? Is it only the blanket that is tattered?


The phrase 'tattered blanket' means a torn or ragged blanket. No, it isn't only the blanket that is tattered. Here, we find the tattered relationship in the story. The tattered blanket symbolises the forgotten relationship of a son. The relationship between son and mother is tattered here due to the son's critical behaviour.

g. The son says, 'Amma can't remember who I am'. Do you think that he remembered his mother? Why didn't he answer when his sister asked, 'Do you remember your Amma?'


No, I don't think he remembered his mother. He didn't answer his sister's question because he hadn't met his Amma for five years and had written a letter to her for a year.




a. What can be the expectations of the parents from their offspring at the old age?


In old age, people become weak both physically and mentally. The elderly have to face a variety of problems. The old parents in most of the places don't seem happy. They only complain most of the time. They find things quite opposite and against their interests. Due to their lack of understanding, they are mostly seen as upset with their children. A lack of understanding between parents and children is evident. The elderly parents feel a lack of proper care and love. Their children even don't understand the real needs of their parents. The old, as well as the aged parents, expect much from their children, but the children seem as if they are doing their best for their parents. The only thing that creates a lot of problems is the lack of understanding between them. At old age, our parents have some expectations, and all of us need to fulfil their expectations and make them happy.

There are various basic things that old parents require. They basically expect love, affection, and care from their children. They long for money, healthy food, suitable clothes, a comfortable bed, regular health check-ups, etc. The most important things that they require are talking and understanding. They want their children to listen to and talk to them. In this condition of old age, their children should try their best to provide their parents with the time, support, talk, and care they need. Old people are emotionally very weak. They have to live their lives only in the glory of their pasts. The children should pay proper attention to their parents, meet their pace, and support them emotionally in meeting their needs.

Most elderly parents always try to show their children the righteous paths. They want their children to pay attention to their advice as well as their suggestions. They try to share their knowledge regarding a good life and career. All children need to listen to their older parents.

In this world, most children try to neglect the right advice of their old parents. They suppose themselves to be great and logical. All the children must permit their parents to be a part of their lives and welcome their valuable advice to have a successful life ahead. The expectations of our elderly parents are so limited. They only want our happiness the most. Their requirements in their old age are so limited. It is not so hard to fulfil their requirements. Their needs can easily be fulfilled. Thus, we should try to keep them happy by respecting their advice and giving them time.

b. Some children who live in a distance tend to be indifferent to the feelings of their parents. Why do you think they are like that? Discuss. 


A relationship is a kind of connection that plays a very vital role in everyone's life. The young age of children is considered to be the age of knowing and understanding others. During this period, children mostly learn about their connections with others. They learn about various things quickly, and they form bonds easily. This is the age when they start learning about their kingship. At this stage, children get emotionally connected with their family members. If there is a gap between them and their parents, they tend to be indifferent to the feelings of their parents.

It is a bitter truth that the more you spend your time with someone, the closer you get to them. In the case of children and parents, the same things happen. There should be a close relationship between parents and children. In most cases, it is seen that the gap between parents and children has created a lack of understanding between them. Among children and parents, none seem to understand each other's feelings. It is a gap that makes them indifferent towards each other.

Children have to spend their time away from their parents in their lifetime. They can't be with their parents for the rest of their lives. They have to be away for various reasons. Everyone has to think about their careers. When they struggle for their achievements in different sectors while living away from their parents, they become goal-oriented and think less about their kingship. There is a gap or distance between parents and children. I think children are like that because, living their lives away from their parents, they lack suggestions or advice, love and care, closeness, etc. from their parents. They become one-sided and think about themselves. They don't want to share their problems with their parents. They try to tackle their problems themselves. Thus, they tend to be indifferent to the feelings of their parents.

c. A mother's love is everlasting and indispensable. Justify. 


The term mother is so auspicious, and above all, it is about relationships. This term cannot be compared with anything in the world. Mother is a precious gift from God to us. The relationship with a mother has made love and affection possible in this world. Mothers in this world are symbols of love, tolerance, patience, and forgiveness. We can't apply any condition to the love of a mother. Mother's love is priceless, and, above all, the affection of the mother remains until the end. We can easily say that a mother's love is unconditional, everlasting, and indispensable.

In most situations, a child finds his mother as a best friend, teacher, and caretaker. A mother is too devoted to her child. She keeps on doing her best for the sake of her child. She plays with the child, providing extra care and nourishment. She never feels tired of fulfilling all his demands. She does her care work all the time without thinking a bit about her problems. Mothers' love is about both nourishing and teaching their children moral and cultural values. A mother gives her full service throughout her lifetime, especially in the matter of her child.

In any family, mothers are considered the emotional foundation of love and affection. They are the real people who take overall responsibility for others. They support and respect everyone's feelings in a family. A mother in the family always provides support to her family members. She is the one with whom family members can easily share their feelings. Mothers mainly have a huge level of faith in their families. Furthermore, mothers possess an exceptionally forgiving nature.

Thus, a mother's love for her child undoubtedly cannot be compared with anything else in the world. She is the most essential person in everyone's life.




Writing a Diary 

What is a diary entry?

Diary Entry/Journal:

A diary is a personal record of things that a person has experienced. It can also record the writer's thoughts or feelings.

Tips for writing a diary

-  Write in the first person 'I'

-  Date at the top

-  Organize paragraphs with topic sentences

-  Give a clear sense of the writer's personality nd explain their feelings and changing emotions

-  Focus on key moments or incidents in one's world

-  Provide a sense of time and sequence (use time connectives like finally, afterwards, earlier, later that day ...)

-  Varied punctuation

-  Varied sentence types

A. Our country is put on lockdown for nearly three months due to COVID-19 pandemic. Following is an example of a diary entry about the feelings and experiences of a person who is locked up at home.

Saturday, March 28, 2020.

Today is the 5th day that we have been put on lockdown. Almost all the countries in the world are forced on to implement this system. And, my country is not an exception too. 

It is called the travellers’ disease which transmits from one person to another through physical contact. WHO has advised people to maintain physical distance, use masks and sanitizer. Washing hands with soap very carefully is a common phenomenon. No vehicles are in operation in the street and shops are closed. People are locked up in their own homes like caged animals in the zoo. What a situation that has enforced us to be locked up in our own home!

A very microorganism is threatening the human existence. Are human beings enemies to nature so that we are facing such a threat? Maybe we have done irreparable damage to nature in the name of development. We have encroached upon nature and destroyed the habitats of other living beings. Developed countries are in a race to test nuclear weapons and missiles to demonstrate their power and pelf. Now where’s their power gone? Why cannot they get victory over corona virus? What’s the use of their so-called devastating weapons? Now it seems that corona virus is taking the side of creatures to challenge the so-called superpower of the cosmos. This microorganism is affecting human lives very badly irrespective of class, caste, religion, race, geography and ideology.

Now I could imagine how caged birds and animals feel when they are behind the bar. We are in the cage! I am feeling as if I am locked up in the human zoo. Perhaps it is the demand of time to teach humans a serious lesson about their existence. I can feel how badly people might be suffering due to lock down. The world has stood still due to corona virus. The worst thing about this situation is that there is no vaccine or any medicine made for the cure of this pandemic virus. Just staying at home and maintaining physical distance is the only solution to COVID-19. I hope we will soon be free from this pandemic. Let’s stay at home safe and sound!


B. Suppose a child who lived in a city with his/her parents accompanied his/her father to visit an elderly grandmother in the village. The grandmother was waiting for her son to come back to the village and look after her, but her son was not willing to do so. Write a diary on behalf of the elderly grandmother describing her feeling of not living with her children and grandchildren.


January 12, 2021

In this entire world, I love my children and my grandchildren very much. My love and affection for them are so deep. At the age of 80, I always wish for the wellbeing of my children. I keep on waiting for their arrival in my village. My eyes always keep on waiting for them most of the time. Today, at this age, I feel quite lonely. I'm spending my miserable days and nights in their memories.

People often seek companionship in their loneliness. I want to have the company of my children and grandchildren. I want to spend my time with my children. I want to talk to them. I'm a bit confused. After their last visit, why didn't they come here to meet me? Did I do something wrong with them? But as far as I know, I didn't do any bad things to them. My son Hari seemed quite upset the last time. I'm in a dilemma about whether my son, Hari, and his children will come or not. I'm missing them a lot.

The last time I went to stay with them in the city, I really felt it was difficult to pass the time. I spent my two weeks alone in a six-room flat. They are quite busy and mostly care about their schedule. I had very bad experiences living over there. I have very little time to spend with my grandchildren. I only had a few minutes to talk to my son, Hari. I don't prefer city life. I cannot tolerate the dust and noise pollution. Later, my son and grandchildren visited our village for a week. I advised my son, Hari, about a variety of things regarding his lifestyle in the city. Perhaps he felt upset to hear my words.

Due to my old age, I get angry in no time. I can't remember things much. The feeling of loneliness is quite sad. My overall expectations depend on them. Most of the time, I only hope to see them with me. I hope that I will see my son and grandchildren sooner.

Rita Devi


Connectives (but, however, although/even though, in spite of/despite)

B. Complete the following sentences with however, although or in spite of

a. .............. the fact that he is an octogenarian; he still leads an active life.


In spite of the fact that he is an octogenarian; he still leads an active life.

b. I still enjoyed the week.........the weather was bad.


I still enjoyed the week although the weather was bad.

c. He has passed MA, ............., he hasn't got a job.


He has passed MA, however, he hasn't got a job.

d. .......... I had a headache, I enjoyed the movie.


Although I had a headache, I enjoyed the movie.

e. Ramila didn't get the job .......... the fact that she had all the necessary qualifications.


Ramila didn't get the job, in spite of the fact that she had all the necessary qualifications.

f. .............. the fact that he had no money, he bought the car anyway.


In spite of the fact that he had no money, he bought the car anyway.

g. We can go to the park for lunch ...........,
 the weather report says it's going to rain. 


We can go to the park for lunch although the weather report says it's going to rain.

h. .......... I speak English well, my first language is actually Maithili.


However l speak English well, my first language is actually Maithili.

C. Combine the following sentences using the words given in brackets.

a. He was annoyed. He didn't say anything. (although)


Although he was annoyed, he didn't say anything.

b. Playing the stock market is exciting. It can be risky. (however)


Playing the stock market is exciting, however, it can be risky.

c. He works slowly. He never makes a mistake. (even though)


Even though he works slowly, he never makes a mistake.

d. It was raining. We still went to the park. (in spite of)


In spite of the rain, we still went to the park.

e. Hark bought the watch. It was expensive. (despite)


Despite being expensive, Hark bought the watch.

f. He is very poor. He wears expensive clothes. (but)


He is very poor but wears expensive clothes.

D. Rewrite the following sentences using (a) although and (b) in spite of

a. He had very little time, but he offered to help us.


a. Although he had very little time, he offered to help us.

a. In spite of having very little time, he offered to help us.

b. She is very poor, but she still wears expensive clothes.


a. Although she is very poor, she still wears expensive clothes.

b. In spite of being very poor, she still wears expensive clothes.

c. He's a millionaire, but he lives in a very small flat.


a. Although he's a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat.
b. In spite of being a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat.

d. They have a lot of money, but they are still not happy.


a. Although they have a lot of money, they are still not happy.

b. In spite of having a lot of money, they are still not happy.

e. The traffic was very heavy, but we got there in time.


a. Although the traffic was heavy, we got there in time.

b. In spite of heavy traffic,  we got there in time.




Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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