Unit 20 Class 11 English 》Science and Technology: Taking my Son to College, Where Technology has Replaced Serendipity | Language Development | Neb English Support

Unit 20 Class 11 English 》Science and Technology: Taking my Son to College, Where Technology has Replaced Serendipity | Language Development | Neb English Support
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              Unit 20 Class 11 English

           Science and Technology Notes

Taking my Son to College, Where Technology has Replaced  Serendipity

Exercise & Grammar | Language Development

Science and Technology: Taking my Son to College


Discuss the following questions with your partner.

a. What modern gadgets do you have? 


I have a variety of modern gadgets, which are as follows:

TV, laptop, desktop, cellphones, iPod, pendrive, projector, etc.

b. Do they make your school life easier and better? How?


No, they don't make my school life easier or better. Due to these gadgets, I spend my time uselessly. These gadgets distract me most of the time.

c. In what ways does the use of technology affect our education system?


The use of technology affects our education system in the following ways:.

Technology increases productivity and efficiency.

Technology lowers the cost of schooling.

Technology promotes more communication between teachers and parents.

Technology promotes collaboration in classrooms.

Technology aids greatly in teaching and learning methods.


A. Match the words with their correct definitions.

a. freshman iv. a first-year student at a university, college, or high school

b. naive v. having a lack of experience or knowledge 

c. obliviouslyviii. without conscious awareness

d. brag i. say something in a boastful manner

e. disposalii. action of throwing away something

f. dormvii. dormitory, student residence hall or building

g. suitemate  》vi. someone who shares your bathroom/living room/kitchen in college

h. incalculable iii. not able to be calculated or estimated

B. Replace the bold words in (a–h) selecting synonyms from the box.

delight  incredible  potential  unanticipated fragmented  scrutinizing  navigate indecipherable 

a. Her story is unbelievable in the literal sense of the word.


Her story is incredible in the literal sense of the word.

b. We often read the novels of the reputed writers in the world.


We often read the novels of the potential writers in the world.

c. The Facebook users are scattered but connected to each other through the Internet.


The Facebook users are fragmented but connected to each other through the Internet.

d. Sometimes unexpected events happen in our life.


Sometimes unanticipated events happen in our life.

e. He paused, examining the faces of Anjana and Manju with his glittering eyes.


 He paused, scrutinizing  the faces of Anjana and Manju with his glittering eyes.

f. I am sorry to say your handwriting is unreadable.


I am sorry to say your handwriting is indecipherable.

g. He is matured. He can direct his own journey to make his career better.


He is matured. He can navigate his own journey to make his career better.

h. Gita's heart swelled with pleasure, translating her confidence into power.


Gita's heart swelled it he delight, translating her confidence into power.

C. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word given in brackets.

a. Does television …..........… children? (affect/effect)


Does television affect children? 

b. Does television have an …......… on children? (affect/effect)


Does television have an effect on children? 

c. Could you …........… me your book, please? 


Could you lend me your book, please? 

d. Can I …..........… your pen? (borrow/lend)


 Can I borrow your pen? 

e. Prices seem to …......… every year. (raise/rise)


Prices seem to rise every year. 

f. You can …........… your hand if you want to ask a question. (raise/rise)


You can raise your hand if you want to ask a question. 

g. What did he ….........… to you? (say/tell)


What did he say to you? 

h. I can't …..........… Hindi. (speak/talk)


I can't speak Hindi.

i. I will …...........… to you on the phone. (speak/talk)


I will talk to you on the phone.

j. I think that's a very …...........… idea. (sensible/sensitive)


I think that's a very sensible idea.

k. My teeth are very …..........… to cold. (sensible/sensitive)


My teeth are very sensitive to cold.

l. Our …...........… is a popular person. (principal/principle)


Our principal is a popular person.

m. I couldn't understand the …........… of gravity. (principal/principle)


 I couldn't understand the principle of gravity.

n. All friends, …............… Nabina, came to the party. (accept/except)


All friends, except Nabina, came to the party.

o. Will you …......… my request? (accept/except)


Will you accept my request? 

p. They were making too much …..............…(noise/sound) 


They were making too much noise.

q. All she could hear was the …...........… of the waves. (noise/sound)


All she could hear was the sound of the waves.

r. Did you give him any ….........… for his career? (advice/advise)


Did you give him any advice for his career? 

s. My parents ..............…… me to be a teacher. (advice/advise)


My parents advise me to be a teacher.


Answer these questions:

a. Why did the author feel that she was lucky to be so naive of her freshmen year at college?


The author felt that she was lucky to be so naive (innocent) during her freshmen year at college because that very ignorance explored her path to abundance and status. The absence of information and experience encouraged her to experience the joy of discovering the world.

b) Why did she say that she went to college in the Stone Age?


She said that she went to college in the Stone Age because she found vast differences comparing her and her son's college years. She found vast changes in science and technology in the colleges of her time and the present. The technological things that were quite popular then are the tools of disposal in the present time.

c) What kinds of technological tools can Hayden use at his college life unlike at his mother's time?


Hyden can use quite advanced technological tools in his college life, unlike in his mother's time. He can use almost everything he does, large and small. He uses a mobile phone with Yale-specific apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.

d) How has the internet and social sites affected the lifestyle of the youths?


The Internet and social sites have affected the lifestyle of youths in the following ways:

▪︎ Youths in the present are fully dependent on the internet and social sites.

▪︎ They have been seeking easier ways to solve their problems through the internet and social sites, forgetting to experience struggle and hard labour.

▪︎ They have been doing their project work depending on search engines on social sites, apart from thinking and creativity.

▪︎ They are seen quite away from the real world. Their connection with other people depends on virtual means. The Internet has alienated youths from the real world.

▪︎ Due to the internet and social sites, youths have missed the actual delight of discovering the real world.

e) What things about college life will Hayden really miss unlike his mother?


Unlike his mother, Hayden will miss his creative thinking ability and the delight of discovering the real world.

f. The writer says, "I worry that students today are more connected and more fragmented". Isn't this paradoxical? How?


The line "I worry that students today are more connected and more fragmented." is paradoxical. This line has self-contradictory properties. As we know, there is no fragmentation in the connection, but the above line suggests different meanings regarding the youth. In the present time, youths are connected virtually through social sites, but in the real world, they are quite far from each other. They don't have a person-to-person relationship, so they are fragmented. There is no exposure to each other to gain life's memorable moments.


a. Do you think that advancements of technology can hinder the exposure students receive in school, and block them from gaining some of life’s most memorable moments? Give reasons in support of your answer.


Yes, I think that advancements in technology can hinder the exposure students receive in school and block them from gaining some of life’s most memorable moments. In this modern world, technology has played quite a vital role in everyone's life. Every single person spends his or her life on the internet. The internet has become one of the most influential advancements in technology. In this world of media and communication, the internet has brought a kind of revolution for all. The Internet has become an integral part of human lives. In the present time, we cannot imagine our lives without the internet.

In today's world, most people are habitually in favour of the advancements of technology. For humans, technical gadgets have become closer than anything else. When people feel lonely, they engage themselves with gadgets. A person doesn't seek a person to talk to; he or she needs gadgets instead.

Talking about students, they are greatly affected by technology nowadays. There are lots of knowledge-related things available in internet technology, but these pieces of knowledge are quite far from the reality of the world. Internet technology hinders the exposure students receive in school and deprives them of some of life’s most memorable moments. Nowadays, students are seen as busy most of the time with their modern gadgets. They have made their world in the imaginative world of the internet. Their lives seem limited within the technological world. They have become quite far away from the real world. The advancements of technology have blocked them from doing struggle, hard labour, duties, and responsibilities. They have become one-sided. They have forgotten to enjoy and find happiness in the real world of relationships. They have been living their lives alienated. Though they are in contact with people on social networks, they are completely away from real meetings.

Thus, the advancements in technology have created an environment for students where they are quite away from their life's memorable moments.

b. Kline’s essay focuses on the contrast between her son’s freshman college experience and her own, but she also establishes what they have in common. Explain.


Kline's essay titled "Taking My Son to College, Where Technology Has Taken Out Serendipity" focuses on the contrast between her son’s freshman college experience and her own, but she also establishes what they have in common. This essay is about the gap between her school's understanding and her child's knowledge. However, the lesson also covers the basics between her and her child. In this essay, Kline talks about the experience of the freshman college year at the same university.

Talking about freshman college, the technology during her time was completely different from that of her son's. But the system of education at the college was the same. The emotions and feelings of the students were also the same. Talking about difficulties in the lives of students, she faced many difficulties in her studies in comparison to her son's studies, but the sense of friendship and teamwork was the same. During her time, much physical effort was needed to make discoveries and research projects, but for her son, such tasks are done through technical means. The assignments' discovery and research projects were the same.

The way of doing tasks was only different. Her son moved through search engines, using e-books instead of physical books. During her time in college, relationships and friendships were a kind of struggle for newcomers. But for her son, the search for a partner was just a key. The relationship was the same, but the way it was made was different.

c. Has internet aided to broadening or narrowing the critical thinking capacity of youths or readers? How?


The answer to this question is both yes and no. As far as we know, everything on this planet has two sides. The internet has aided in broadening knowledge if we use it to find and explore knowledge curiously. But if we start relying on interactive answers with blunt creativity, it reduces our ability to think.

Reading and learning tasks on the internet aren't considered reliable. But there are lots of useful and important things on the internet for all of us to gain a variety of knowledge. Most youth and readers engage themselves on the internet to search for their queries. Most users seem to rely on it most of the time. This act of relying completely on the internet hinders the capacity for critical thinking. Those who rely on the internet for solutions never increase their capacity for reasoning and analysis. The Internet doesn't allow someone to think much about solutions. It helps in all sectors and makes readers or youths passive.

Most readers and youth of the present seem unable to make use of their logic. In the case of any problem, they don't use their minds' logical solutions. They search for their problems immediately on the internet. People have forgotten their actual reasoning. They seem totally dependent on the internet.

Thus, it reduces the thinking skills of all. It paves shortcuts for all where mind labour is less used.



B. Interpret the information given in the following chart.

The bar chart given above shows the frequency of eating at fast food restaurants among people in the USA in three years 2003, 2006, and 2013. 

Here in this bar diagram, overall, we can see that in all three years, the proportion of people who visit and eat at fast food restaurants every day and never was less than 5%.

Here we find more people ate at fast food restaurants once a week or once or twice a month during the given period. While in 2003, the proportion of those who ate fast food once a week was 31%, it increased slightly over the next three years to 33% in 2006.  By 2013 this had dropped to 27%.  In 2003, 30% of people ate at fast food restaurants once or twice a month, and in 2006 this figure dropped to 25%.

However, it increased over the next 7 years, and in 2013, 33% of people visited fast food restaurants. 

Fast food eaters several times a week remained between 15% and 20% in all three years and were the highest (20%) in 2006.  Meanwhile, the proportion of fast food eaters only a few times a year remained more or less the same in all years at about 15%.


A. Fill in the gaps with suitable articles where necessary.

a. Is he working as …… university professor?



b. My younger sister watches …… television a lot.



c. A: What did you get for your birthday?

 B: I got …… lot of good presents.



d. I'm going to …… Dominican Republic for my winter vacation.



e. I have to go to …… bank today to deposit some money.



f. Durga was injured in the accident and was taken to …… nearest hospital.



g. Every parent should visit …… school to meet the teachers.



h. Who is …… woman in this photograph?



i. There is …… piano in the corner of the room.



j. A: Do you think he is lying?

B: No, he's the kind of …… guy that always tells the truth. 



B. Put a/an or the in the spaces.

                BOB COLLINS: A PROFILE

Bob Collins has recently become …… minister in the new government, being appointed Minister for Industry. Mr. Collins has had a varied career. He was …… professional footballer in the 1960s, some people considering him to be …… most skillful player of his generation. After a serious injury, he became …… manager of …… oldest pub in Edinburgh. Five years later, he was offered the position of …… executive director of Arcon, one of …… biggest supermarket chains in the country. He became …… Member of Parliament in 1990.


               BOB COLLINS: A PROFILE

Bob Collins has recently become the minister in the new government, being appointed Minister for Industry. Mr. Collins has had a varied career. He was a professional footballer in the 1960s, some people considering him to be the most skillful player of his generation. After a serious injury, he became the manager of the oldest pub in Edinburgh. Five years later, he was offered the position of the executive director of Arcon, one of the biggest supermarket chains in the country. He became a Member of Parliament in 1990.





Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt


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